Monday, September 30, 2019

Donne as a Metaphysical Poet Essay

Introduction During the past forty years there have been two major theories of language learning by children. But there are two major schools of thought known as, ‘Behaviorists’ and ‘Mentalists’. One school is of the view that language learning is entirely the product of experience and that our environment affects all of us. Others have suggested that everybody has an innate language learning mechanism. Let us discovery with the help of these two schools of thought that how do children acquire their mother tongue. How do they grow up linguistically and learn to handle the stylistics varieties of their mother tongue? How much of the linguistics system they are born with and how much do they discover from their exposure to language? a) The Behaviorist School B.F. Skinner and his followers are known as behaviorist. According to them language learning is process known as operant conditioning. Conditioned Behavior is behavior which is the result of repeated training. Operant means that it is voluntary behavior, it is result of learner’s own free will, and it is not forced by any outside person or thing. The learner demonstrates the new behavior first as a response to a system of reward or punishment, and finally as an automatic response. In order to prove their theory they conducted an experiment. EXPERIMENT They put a rat in a box containing a bar. If it presses a bar, it is rewarded with a pellet of food. Nothing forces it to press the bar. The first time it probably does so accidentally. When the rat finds that the food arrives, it presses the bar again. Eventually it finds that if it is hungry it can obtain food by pressing the bar. Then task is made more difficult. The rat only gets rewarded if it presses the bar while a light is flashing. At first rat is puzzled. Eventually it learns the trick. Then the task is made more difficult again. This time the rat only receives food if it presses the bar a certain number of times. After initial confusion it learns to do this also. And so on, and so on. Operant condition can be summarized thus STIMULUS RESPONSE REINFORCEMENT REPETITION In operant conditioned, reinforcement plays a vital role. There are two kinds of reinforcement: A) Positive Reinforcement Praise and rewards are positive reinforcement. Experiments have shown that positive reinforcement works much better in bringing about good learning. B) Negative Reinforcement Rebukes and punishments are negative reinforcement. The behaviorists also claim that we learn language by imitation and association. For example, a young child hears the word â€Å"water† with the actual thing. He then makes this sound himself, imitating what he has heard. His parents are pleased that he has learnt another word and so his response is reinforced. The thoughts of behaviorist school can well be understood according to following tree diagram. The Behaviorist School Language learning is Positive Imitation Operant conditioning and and Negative Association Reinforcement Noam Chomsky explicitly rejects the behaviorists’ position that language should be thought of as verbal behavior, arguing that it should be thought of as knowledge held by those who use language. Chomsky suggests that the learner of any language has an inbuilt learning capacity for language that enables each learner to construct a kind of personal theory or set of rules about the language based on very limited exposure to language. b) The Mentalist School Chomsky and his mentalist followers claim that a child learns his first language through cognitive learning. They claim that language is governed by rules, and is not a haphazard thing, as Skinner and his followers would claim. According to Chomsky, the child is born with a mental capacity for working out the underlying system to the jumble of sounds which he hears. He constructs his own grammar’ and imposes it on all the sounds reaching his brain. This mental grammar is part of his cognitive framework, and nothing he hears is stored in his brain until he has matched it against what he already knows and found a ‘correct’ place for it within this framework. Chomsky argues that language is so complex that it is almost incredible that it can be acquired by a child in so short a time. He says that a child is born with some innate mental capacity which helps the child to process all the language which he hears. This is called the Language Acquisition Device, and he saws it as comprising a special area of the brain whose only function was the processing of language. This function, he argues, is quite separate from any other mental capacity which the child has. When Chomsky talks about ‘rules’, he means the unconscious rules in a child’s mind these rules enables him to make grammatical sentences in his own language. Chomsky does not mean that a child can describes these rules explicitly. For example, a four or five year old child can produce a sentence like I have done my work; he can do that because he has a ‘mental grammar’ which enables him to form correct present perfect structures and also to use such structures in the right and appropriate situations. But he is unable to define the formation of present perfect tense. The thoughts of Mentalists can well be understood with the help of the following tree diagram. The Mentalists School Language learning Input Mental grammar Is an (own rules) Innate ability LAD Grammatical Output sentences Both the schools have said significant things, yet neither is perfect. The mentalists’ emphasis on the rule-learning is over enthusiastic, and the behaviorists’ rejection of meaning is entirely unjust. Language acquisition seems to be a process both of analogy and application, both nature and nurture. The differences between the empiricists approach and that of the rationalist can be summarized in the following manner: BEHAVIOURISTS APPROACH MENTALIST APPROACH Conclusion This comparative study makes one thing clear: nature and nurture, analogy and application, practice and exposure are important. Innate potentialities lay down the framework. Within this framework, there is wide variation depending on the environment. The kind of language that children ultimately grow into shaped by the culture-based responses of the family, if not in a way that can be called imitation, then at least in terms of things the child chooses to do with its language. But we should be wary of the idea that all children experience the same practices and follow the same development path as they grow into their language. Having been exposed to a small number of utterances, the child begins to extract the principles underlying the utterances and compose new utterances of his own. This is the way every child grammar to communicate in an intelligent manner. He makes mistakes and produces ungrammatical sentences. His elders correct him; he feeds the information into his mini-grammar, modifies some of the rules, and again produces new utterances. In a period of about four years, he is able to master and internalize all the essential rules of language. This is a proof that a child’s own rules of grammar are more important to him than mere imitation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reasearch Paper-Barriers Among Homeless Youth

Barriers Among Homeless Youth In Health Care Sebastian Henao Conestoga College Homelessness amongst youth is common in nearly every part of the world, including the region of Waterloo. Given these circumstances many young adults have barriers that they must overcome in a daily basis in order to stay alive. Some of these barriers include substance abuse, sexual intercourse and poor access to health care. All of these barriers can potentially harm a young person’s life.So how can nurses help the homeless youth from overcoming these barriers? A review form â€Å"Health-Seeking Challenges Among Homeless Youth† suggests that information on healthcare services and assistance to homeless youth, is key for their wellbeing. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2009, 10 to 20 youth in Waterloo Region are experiencing persistent homelessness and at least 75 are at-risk. These youth are more likely to engage in risky behaviour due to barriers they experience ever y day.Even though the research of, â€Å"Health-Seeking Challenges Among Homeless Youth† was done in the United States, as nurses, we can still incorporate their message into our practice, the research was done to determine what were the biggest barriers homeless youth encountered in healthcare services. Do to this research nurses can plan ways to ensure the wellness of homeless youth and ensure these barriers don’t take place. As nurses we are taught that our patients deserve the best care possible, disregarding age or social status. Rather than provide resources for homeless youth, youth frequently were confronted with unforgettable comments that were full of judgment. † (Hudson et al. ,2010) It is important that as nurses we are open and not make judgements in order to provide the best client care possible, this is seen as a barrier to homeless youth that feel like whenever they go to a clinic they are being discriminated. The different barriers that homeless youth encounter on a daily basis are not the same barriers that other patients may encounter.Therefore, the health teaching used for homeless youth should be different than that of the average patient. â€Å"Health-seeking Challenges among Homeless Youth† research report has shown the different barriers the youth face and as nurses, we must be flexible with providing them with the appropriate health teaching to ensure their wellness. Mental health, sexual orientation and substance abuse help are just a few of the health teaching the youth need â€Å"As a result, young adults called out for more outreach, particularly for mental health treatment† (Hudson et al. , 2010).Being able to identify and give effective help to patients suffering from mental health, can lead to a better health and recovery. In order to reach out to the younger homeless population, all the related interproffessional teams should discuss what the best solution is to pass on the information to the y outh. One way that the use could access the information is through programs or classes that can be held in shelters, these classes can be held to provide information regarding substance abuse, sexual intercourse and mental health; how to reach help and if necessary could provide with other resources.Some other ways the information can be passed on the youth could be to hold clinics through the city, this can give a chance for the homeless to come get information and be able to get any help they need. According to Throughout the Waterloo region there are a number of programs to help out homeless people, however, these programs should incorporate information on how the health care services can help them.If we all work together and provide the necessary information, the barriers that homeless youth experience in healthcare can be eliminated. References First Call Bc (2012). Resources on the Mental Health of Homeless youth in Canada. Retrieved September 20, 2012 from http://firstcallbc. wordpress. com/2012/05/30/resources-on-the-mental-health-of-homeless-youth-in-canada/ Hudson, A. , Nyamthi, A. , Greengold, B. , Slagle, A. , Koniak-Griffin, D. , Khalilifard, F. , & Getzoff, D. (2010).Health seeking challenges among homeless youth. Nursing Research, 59(3), 212-218. National Alliance to End Homelessness (2009). New Funding for Homeless Youth Services and Housing – Guide to Community Planners and Youth Advocates. Retrieved September 20, 2012, from www. endhomelessness. org/section/policy/focusareas/youth. Region of Waterloo (2010). Social planning, policy and program administration. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from http://www. regionofwaterloo. ca/en/regionalGovernment/resources/SA2010-0406. pd

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Importance & Impact of Ethical Communication Essay

Abstract Communication is constant, especially in the information age. Savvy professionals know how to communicate quickly, effectively and ethically. The term â€Å"ethical communication† has different meanings depending on the context. A shampoo advertiser and a sports team spokesperson may have dissimilar views on what constitutes as ethical communication. Some communication guidelines are only applicable to certain situations, while others could be understood as ethical in one situation and unethical in another. Every aspect of ethical communication should be considered within the boundaries of the issue at hand. Introduction The Business Dictionary defines ethical standards as follows: Principles that when followed, promote values such as trust, good behavior, fairness, and/or kindness. There is not one consistent set of standards that all companies follow, but each company has the right to develop the standards that are meaningful for their organization. Ethical standards are not always easily enforceable, as they are frequently vaguely defined and somewhat open to interpretation (â€Å"Men and women should be treated equally, † or â€Å"Treat the customer with respect and kindness. ). Others can be more specific, such as â€Å"Do not share the customer’s private information with anyone outside of the company. † Ethical Communication in Business Every business is dependent on effective ethical communication. It’s what makes new policy in government, raises money for nonprofits and strengthens a business. Business communication occurs any time a message is given or received, whether it’s verbal or nonverbal, between two businesses, a business and its employees or a business and the public. The messages sent and received by a business need to follow ethical norms that don’t offend or make individuals feel uncomfortable. Significance Ethical business communication holds great significance on three main fronts: business to business, business to employees and business to the public. An example of the first type is between a business and its suppliers or distributors. The second is organizational communication within the business itself, how the leadership communicates with the employees. Lastly, communication with the public is how the business develops its public image. Maintaining high ethical standards on each front is essential to success in business. Function Ethical business communication’s primary function is to send and receive messages in a neutral, non-offensive manner. Ethical effective communication skills in business strengthen its corporate culture, resulting in a more attractive bottom line. When communication does not adhere to ethical standards, the consequences can include unhappy employees, a poor public image and a decrease in the bottom line. Ethical business communication is intended to care for the emotional and perceptive needs of its employees and customers. Misconceptions A common misconception concerning ethical communication in business is that most unethical communication is obvious and overt. True unethical communication is based on perception. If a person or people group perceive or interpret certain actions or words to be discriminatory or offensive, the communication can be considered unethical. The same is true with interpersonal interactions between employees. If a particular form of communication or gesture is offensive to another employee, it can be categorized as unethical. Purpose The purpose of ethical communication in business is to protect, respect and maintain a good public image. The communication in any business is for the purpose of maintaining order and the proper image with its employees and society. For example, if an accusation was to arise against a particular company, the public relations representative will arrange a press conference to verbally address the issue at hand. The company may also change a policy pertaining to the issue that non-verbally communicates the same message. Consequences There are many consequences to unethical business communication. A business may have an outstanding product or service, but if it doesn’t communicate well with its customers, they will not be satisfied, and this can weaken the business/customer relationship. Everything in business rises and falls on communication. When ethical communication is lacking, moral, corporate image and motivation will lack as well. Each of these elements affects the spirit of the employees, which in turn will reflect to the customer and result in a decrease in revenue. Ethical behavior is a companywide concern, of course; but because communication efforts are the public face of a company, they are subjected to particularly rigorous scrutiny from regulators, legislators, investors, consumer groups, environmental groups, labor organizations, and anyone else affected by business activities. Ethical communication includes all relevant information, is true in every sense, and is not deceptive in any way. In contrast, unethical communication can include falsehoods and misleading information (or can withhold important information). Some examples of unethical communication include: Plagiarism: Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or other creative product as your own. Note that plagiarism can also be illegal if it violates a copyright, which is a form of legal protection for the expression of creative ideas. Selective misquoting: Deliberately omitting damaging or unflattering comments to paint a better (but untruthful) picture of you or your company. Misrepresenting numbers: Increasing or decreasing numbers, exaggerating, altering statistics, or omitting numerical data. Distorting visuals: Making a product look bigger or changing the scale of graphs and charts to exaggerate or conceal differences. In contrast, an ethical message is accurate and sincere. It avoids language and images that manipulate, discriminate, or exaggerate. On the surface, such ethical practices appear fairly easy to recognize, but deciding what is ethical can be a considerable challenge in complex business situations. Distinguishing Ethical Dilemmas from Ethical Lapses Every company has responsibilities to its stakeholders, and those various groups often have competing interests. An ethical dilemma involves choosing among alternatives that aren’t clear-cut. Perhaps two conflicting alternatives are both ethical and valid, or perhaps the alternatives lie somewhere in the gray area between clearly right and clearly wrong. Suppose you are the chief executive of a company whose sales are declining and you might be forced to reduce costs by laying off 100 employees. You’ve decided to wait two months before making this tough decision. Here’s your dilemma: Do you tell the workforce now that several hundred jobs could disappear in the near future? Telling them now would give people more time to look for new jobs and adjust their finances—clearly a good thing. However, if you tell them now, vital employees nervous about their future could jump ship, which could drive sales down even more—clearly not a good thing. And what if you tell them now and many people leave but then sales improve enough in the next two months that you can avoid the layoffs? You will have unnecessarily disrupted many careers and families. Situations such as these often have no clear answer. In contrast, an ethical lapse is a clearly unethical (and frequently illegal) choice. In 2004, several insurance companies were accused of misleading military personnel at Fort Benning in Georgia, Camp Pendleton in California, and other bases around the country. Many of these young men and women thought they were signing up for savings programs when in fact they were buying extremely expensive and frequently unnecessary life insurance policies. The policies were often sold during mandatory financial training sessions for the soldiers, who were given no time to read the documents they signed. After the situation was brought to national attention by the New York Times and other news media, at least two of the companies involved, Madison National Life Insurance Company and American Amicable Life Insurance, began issuing full refunds. Ensuring Ethical Communication Ensuring ethical business communication requires three elements: ethical individuals, ethical company leadership, and the appropriate policies and structures to support employees’ efforts to make ethical choices. 39 Moreover, these three elements need to work in harmony. If employees see company executives making unethical decisions and flouting company guidelines, they might conclude that the guidelines are meaningless and emulate their bosses’ unethical behavior. Employers have a responsibility to establish clear guidelines for ethical behavior, including business communication. In a recent global survey by the International Association of Business Communicators, 70 percent of communication professionals said their companies clearly define what is considered ethical and unethical behavior. On a somewhat less positive note, slightly fewer than half said their companies encourage open discussion of ethical issues and dilemmas. Many companies establish an explicit ethics policy by using a written code of ethics to help employees determine what is acceptable. A code is often part of a larger program of employee training and communication channels that allow employees to ask questions and report instances of questionable ethics. For example, United Technologies, a large aerospace and defense company based in Hartford, Connecticut, offers employees, customers, and suppliers a confidential way to report suspected fraud and other ethical concerns. The people who share their concerns through the program then receive a written response that explains how the situation was resolved. 1 To ensure ongoing compliance with their codes of ethics, many companies also conduct ethics audits to monitor ethical progress and to point out any weaknesses that need to be addressed. Principles of Ethical Communication The Business Dictionary defines ethical standards as â€Å"Principles that when followed, promote values such as trust, good behavior, fairness, and/or kindness. † In order to establish good communication with people of other cultures, it is essential to understand their ethical framework. In rder to learn ethical intercultural communication, you must expect people of other cultures to think differently, be willing to learn culturally appropriate behavior and (at least to some extent) practice what their cultures consider ethical. Expect Differences Ethical principles are not the same across cultures. Rather, ethics are culturally informed. â€Å"The right thing to do† is not just instinctive in humans. Many aspects of what is â€Å"good† are taught (consciously and subconsciously) by a person’s culture. So, if you want to establish ethical intercultural communication with people of another background, prepare yourself to see the world differently. Do not expect that what seems good to you will also seem good to them; understand that they may view some things as bad that you view as fine or good. For example, while American culture teaches that individuality is a good thing and that â€Å"standing on your own two feet† is a position you should strive for, many other cultures value the group more than the individual. For example, in most African cultures, being part of a strong family support system is considered much more important and valuable than standing alone as an individual. Exemplify the Universal Although different cultures will have varying expectations and standards as to what is ethical, there are some ethical standards that are universal. So, by striving to abide by ethical standards that are universally received, you can take the first step in communicating and connecting well with people of another culture. According to William Howell in his Ethics of Intercultural Communication, â€Å"Two principles that are universal are that no action is ethical if it harms persons, and the action that benefits persons accumulates ethical quality. † Act in such a way that you do not intentionally bring harm to anyone, and always keep others’ best interests in mind. Learn their Culture To really communicate well interculturally, you must ask the question: â€Å"What makes a ‘good’ person in your culture? † Talk with people in the target culture to discover the traits of an ethical person. What attitudes and actions does a good person possess? Does a good person set aside his personal work to take care of his parents when they are elderly? Does a good person control his anger at all times? Does a good person practice abstinence in certain areas? You will find, as you look into someone else’s culture, that the things that make a â€Å"good† person in your culture are not the same things that comprise a â€Å"good† person in every culture. Empathize Through Action As you learn the ways of another culture, the best way to establish good intercultural communication is to act in a way that is considered ethical in that culture. Do and say the things that will express that you have the best interest of those around you in mind. Enjoy the food people prepare for you. If there are certain respectful gestures associated with greeting people older or more prestigious than yourself (or everyone), use them. Learn at least enough of the language to greet people and ask how they are doing in their native tongue. Wear clothing that is culturally appropriate. Respect family organization and methods of doing education and business. On every level of life and society, share in the way people think and act as much as you are able to. This willingness to adopt the standards of another culture is the best way to establish ethical and intercultural communication. Goals of Ethical Business Communications The purpose of business is to make money. Behaving ethically serves that purpose. People prefer doing business with ethical companies, companies they can trust, so in the long run the ethical company benefits from its behavior. This means that the goal of ethical business communication is to build the trust and credibility of the company. The International Association of Business Communicators maintains that companies that the practice of ethical business communication also increases a team feeling among employees and boosts employee morale. To accomplish these goals, corporate communication must strive to attain certain specific ethical goals. Honesty It is to a company’s benefit to be honest. Honesty is the basis of trust. If others feel that they can believe what a company says, they will trust it. Other factors being equal, people prefer doing business with a company they can trust. Honesty means saying what you believe to be true, but it also means distinguishing fact from opinion. It is easy to disguise opinion as fact. Some television news commentators do it every day, and their credibility suffers for it. They may be considered entertaining, but what they say is taken with a grain of salt. Consultant Michelle Howe advises any company that wants to be trusted to clearly label opinion as such, and to present what it has to say in an unbiased manner. Clarity Distinguishing fact from opinion is part of a larger goal of being clear and easy to understand. Ethical business communication calls for being clearly understood. It means that the company is not seen as attempting to obfuscate or confuse the public and other companies with whom it does business. Timeliness of communication can also help. Within the company, acknowledging problems and keeping relevant people informed with clear and direct communications helps dampen the â€Å"rumor mill† and maintains better employee morale. Commitment In the context of business communications, commitment means allocating the necessary time and resources to discussing issues fully. Communication needs to be thorough, for only when time and resources, such as feedback forms, are dedicated to discussing issues is there a chance for everyone in the organization to have their voice heard. Acknowledging Sources Few things create as much tension as when someone presents another person’s ideas as his own. Employees want credit for their work, so failure to acknowledge them is not only unethical but also bad for morale. Some people believe that concerns about plagiarism are only important in academic ettings, but anytime someone is caught â€Å"borrowing† someone else’s ideas without proper acknowledgment, trustworthiness takes a nosedive. Most people realize it’s important to use quotations when citing direct statements from others, but it’s also good practice and sound business to acknowledge ideas that are not your own. Openness to Other Views Openness is one of the key pillars of ethical communication. In communication, openness m eans being open to diverse ideas and opinions, as well as being ready to offer your own opinions even if you do not think they will be popular. A business environment where people are not free to play the devil’s advocate and say unpopular opinions is not an ethical one, because intolerance of divergent opinions means intolerance of differences and free flow of information is essential to both the public’s and the organization’s long-term well-being. Taking Care with Confidential Information Confidential information is a special class of information that requires special attention. The North Carolina State University business department emphasizes the importance of the ethical business practice of protecting confidential information while complying with public disclosure laws. Any use of confidential information for personal gain is also clearly unethical. IABC Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators Preface Because hundreds of thousands of business communicators worldwide engage in activities that affect the lives of millions of people, and because this power carries with it significant social responsibilities, the International Association of Business Communicators developed the Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators. The Code is based on three different yet interrelated principles of professional communication that apply throughout the world. These principles assume that just societies are governed by a profound respect for human rights and the rule of law; that ethics, the criteria for determining what is right and wrong, can be agreed upon by members of an organization; and, that understanding matters of taste requires sensitivity to cultural norms. These principles are essential: †¢Professional communication is legal. †¢Professional communication is ethical. †¢Professional communication is in good taste. Recognizing these principles, members of IABC will: Engage in communication that is not only legal but also ethical and sensitive to cultural values and beliefs; †¢Engage in truthful, accurate and fair communication that facilitates respect and mutual understanding; †¢adhere to the following articles of the IABC Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators. Because conditions in the world are constantly changing, members of IABC will work to improve their individual competence and to increase the body of knowledge in the field with research and education. Articles 1. Professional communicators uphold the credibility and dignity of their profession by practicing honest, candid and timely communication and by fostering the free flow of essential information in accord with the public interest. 2. Professional communicators disseminate accurate information and promptly correct any erroneous communication for which they may be responsible. 3. Professional communicators understand and support the principles of free speech, freedom of assembly, and access to an open marketplace of ideas and act accordingly. 4. Professional communicators are sensitive to cultural values and beliefs and engage in fair and balanced communication activities that foster and encourage mutual understanding. 5. Professional communicators refrain from taking part in any undertaking which the communicator considers to be unethical. 6. Professional communicators obey laws and public policies governing their professional activities and are sensitive to the spirit of all laws and regulations and, should any law or public policy be violated, for whatever reason, act promptly to correct the situation. 7. Professional communicators give credit for unique expressions borrowed from others and identify the sources and purposes of all information disseminated to the public. 8. Professional communicators protect confidential information and, at the same time, comply with all legal requirements for the disclosure of information affecting the welfare of others. 9. Professional communicators do not use confidential information gained as a result of professional activities for personal benefit and do not represent conflicting or competing interests without written consent of those involved. 0. Professional communicators do not accept undisclosed gifts or payments for professional services from anyone other than a client or employer. 11. Professional communicators do not guarantee results that are beyond the power of the practitioner to deliver. 12. Professional communicators are honest not only with others but also, and most importantly, with themselves as individuals; for a professional commu nicator seeks the truth and speaks that truth first to the self. Enforcement and Communication of the IABC Code of Ethics IABC fosters compliance with its Code by engaging in global communication campaigns rather than through negative sanctions. However, in keeping with the sixth article of the IABC Code, members of IABC who are found guilty by an appropriate governmental agency or judicial body of violating laws and public policies governing their professional activities may have their membership terminated by the IABC executive board following procedures set forth in the association’s bylaws. IABC encourages the widest possible communication about its Code. The IABC Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators is published in several languages and is freely available to all: Permission is hereby granted to any individual or organization wishing to copy and incorporate all or part of the IABC Code into personal and corporate codes, with the understanding that appropriate credit be given to IABC in any publication of such codes. The IABC Code is published on the association’s web site. The association’s bimonthly magazine, Communication World, publishes periodic articles dealing with ethical issues. At least one session at the association’s annual conference is devoted to ethics. The international headquarters of IABC, through its professional development activities, encourages and supports efforts by IABC student chapters, professional chapters, and regions to conduct meetings and workshops devoted to the topic of ethics and the IABC Code. New and renewing members of IABC sign the following statement as part of their application: â€Å"I have reviewed and understand the IABC Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators. As a service to communicators worldwide, inquiries about ethics and questions or comments about the IABC Code may be addressed to members of the IABC Ethics Committee. The IABC Ethics Committee is composed of at least three accredited members of IABC who serve staggered three-year terms. Other IABC members may serve on the committee with the approval of the IABC executive committee. The functions of the Ethics Committee are to assist with professional d evelopment activities dealing with ethics and to offer advice and assistance to individual communicators regarding specific ethical situations.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Opinion Coulums Dissection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Opinion Coulums Dissection - Essay Example From this point on, the writing is structurally focused on the spirit of sharing reflected in small gestures among ordinary people and how this is revealed through the sharing of the most precious commodity in the desert countries – water). But if we open our eyes, there are also those around us doing good for others away from the limelight and without seeking any recognition. (At this point, the focus of the article shifts from the negative impact of the media to the small acts of kindness which are not broadcast). Elsewhere, up near the Talk of the Town,(alliteration) Adliya, a householder has provided for several years a constant supply of drinking water for passers-by, with a purpose-built (passers-by and purpose-built is a consonance and alliteration, because the first letters and b of the respective words are similar) fountain, with a metal cup attached by a chain. (The use of drinking water supply with attached cup for passers by is a deliberate repetition, to emphasize the significance of the act of kindness extended by some Bahrainis to strangers.) This is a part of the world where water has always been precious and where in the days before modernization, people had to walk to wells to get their daily supply (Consonance) (historical imagery of the past and people walking in deserts to get their water supplies). These seemingly gestures of making water available to passing strangers who may be thirsty can be seen all over Bahrain and they are a small but significant symbol of the survival of community spirit. (Another repetition of the act of making water available to strangers to symbolize sharing and the good existing in society – also a historical allusion to the community spirit that existed in Arab culture which is continuing). It will soon be Ramadan, when the sharing spirit (example of consonance) comes to the force, with neighbors going from

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Interactive spatial urban planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interactive spatial urban planning - Essay Example The urban population health is affected by interplay of multiple environmental factors such as air pollution, noise pollution, traffic and external safety (Galea & Vlahov, 2005). The traditional urban planning has increasingly been termed as an inefficient tool, due to its inability to take all these multiple environmental factors into consideration, when planning for urban developments. Consequently, Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSSs) for interactive spatial urban planning have become an important tool for the modern urban development planning (Sugumaran & Degroote, 2010). This is due to their ability to use high-tech computers that are linked to databases to simulate interactive models that create interplay of the multiple environmental factors that are of concern to the urban planning (TNO, n.d.). The overall effect is that with this type of technology, it is becoming increasingly easier to understand the problem of spatial planning for urban developments, long way before the actual planning and designing is done (Pearce, Richardson, Mitchell & Shortt, 2010). This is advantageous, sine it allows for understanding the likely problems and addressing them during the planning and designing stages, as opposed to controlling the problems later, when the urban developments have already been designed and constructed. This does not only help to solve the issues of h uman and environmental health associated with urban spatial planning, but also in the development of cities and urban regions that will not require to be redesigned in the future( Galea, Freudenberg & Vlahov, 2005). Therefore, the modern architectural design is not only affected by the issue of generating appropriate designs for cities and urban regions, but also ensuring that the health concerns are equally addressed (Pearce, Richardson, Mitchell & Shortt, 2010). A Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSSs) as an urban planning tool can be

The philosophies of Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant Essay

The philosophies of Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant - Essay Example Being a mainstream rationalist of his time, Immanuel Kant also endorsed this view to a very significant extent. They believed that not only did all knowledge come from the senses, but that knowledge is ultimately gained from reasoning about the senses of one's experiences. From here there emerges another similar conception; their view of ethics itself. For Aquinas as well as for Kant ethics are derived from practical reasoning. This notion further allows them to conceptualize and distinct good deeds from bad and thus pave way for another similarity that founds the very basis of how they perceive justice and law. In this instance, they agree that laws can be derived from practical reasoning and because of this possible, this rationale can help determine the right from the wrong or vice versa. This means that, by design, we are all obligated to follow the law of morale. This also implies the significance of justice in perceiving the moral obligations of humanity.For Aquinas, all prior stems from God and is thus external from humans. Kant, on the other hand, describes his belief that prior in its entirety is inspired from within one's self. Since Kant believes prior comes from within us, he also contemplates this to be the sole source of our insight to the world. That is to imply that the understanding of the world comes from within us and, therefore, our minds wrap the world around itself and changes our experiences to match what our minds expect to see. Unlike Kant however, Aquinas's thoughts on this idea are quite the opposite.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Introduction to Network Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Introduction to Network Management - Essay Example Building A incorporates the administrative staff, Building B incorporates Academic Staff and Building C incorporates student’s network Building ‘A’ houses administration staff. Amongst their responsibilities is the provision for storing and updating student information - such as personal details and course-related details. They are currently working on an ancient 4Mbps Token ring network. They often complain about speed of the network. The Token Ring networks in each building are stand-alone – i.e. staff in each of the buildings cannot intercommunicate. There are approximately 15 members of admin staff in each building. Each Admin PC has a 4Mbps NIC installed. NIC â€Å"provides a hardware interface between a computer and a network. The term NIC most commonly refers to network adapter hardware in the form factor of an add-in card. These devices plug into the system bus of the PC and include jacks for network cables. NICs are usually Ethernet adapters, but some NICs support alternate physical layer protocols like ATM† (Network interface card.2007). The student database is held on a central server and is accessed via telnet, this is extremely slow and the software interface is dated. Staff has indicated that the method of access and interface needs to be updated. The Academic Staff network is similar to the administration network in that it is again a token ring network that is not connected to the administrational network - or to staff networks of other buildings. There are approximately 30 members of academic staff in each building. Each member of the academic team has a 4Mbps Token Ring card installed. Staff has no requirements to access student information directly; this is normally done via the administration staff. They do however need to send documents to admin staff and also require access to common areas of storage with both admin staff and students. Academic members of staff need to be able to publish course documentation on the World

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week 9 discussion paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Week 9 discussion paper - Essay Example iations to negotiate with management for worker rights is a time-honored and legal right in the U.S., however in other countries unionism is frowned upon due to its monopolistic wage effects – when unions push up wages, product prices rise and in effect reduce the real incomes of nonunion workers (Pencavel, 1997). From a cultural viewpoint, Asian countries such as Japan expect workers to espouse filial piety and loyalty towards their companies which in return employ them for life. Therefore, the U.S. multinational company which chooses to operate in other countries where unionism is not welcome will be forced to change its human resources policies when operating in these areas; however, this may cause a double standard in HR policies which may give the impression that the company is discriminating among workers based on race. I would expect that different organizations deal differently with such challenges, depending upon the nature of the business (if it allows for a adjustments for diversity) and the culture or country the firm is trying to penetrate or is setting up business in. The organization therefore derives an entry into the culture by conforming to local differences, although from an organization-wide point of view it appears to be applying a double standard. In other aspects, however, particularly in matters where the quality of the product or service is severely affected, the firm may choose to impose the same standards it practices in its own country. For instance, the policy of not employing child labor practices in the home country may be enforced among the firm’s suppliers and subcontractors in other countries who, because it is commonplace in that country, may be employing children in sweat shops (Bellettini, et al., 2005; Anderson, et al., 2010). One problem that is exacerbated and even exploited by business is the graft and corruption prevalent in many developing countries. It is sad to note that while graft and corruption appears to be

Monday, September 23, 2019

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 1

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in explaining the workings and achievements of major nation - Essay Example The claims are based on the total percentage of the entire exports across the entire globe and their relation to the three nations (Hill, 2009). This is an evidence of how Porter created a convincing analysis on his view on national competitiveness. In explaining the national business systems, Porter analyses national business systems by reviewing their input in the global market. He argues that the more exports a nation make the more significance it has in the global market(Thompson, 2004).This way of reviewing national business systems is preferable when comparing the output of nations in the global market. According to Thompson (2004) this method may be however, biased since not all national business systems are based on exports. The author further argues that they are nations with greater G.D.Ps and have very stable economic systems and they have less input in the international market (Thompson, 2004). In using porter’s way of analysis such nations lacks the international standard of competitive advantage. This assumption has created a Porter system that only recognizes the financial stable nations on the global market (Uchida & Cook, 2005). Porter uses the national diamond to show the influence of nations to their local companies. The influence and pressure from a nation will be a great determinant on whether or not the organizations attain an international competitive advantage. Nations provide support and resources to specific countries which then generate outstanding products and income. However, analysts argue that this diamond structure is usually biased depending on mutual agreement by both parties. For instance, an organization may enter into a deal with a government to share a certain percentage of their profits in exchange for support and resources. In such a scenario the market becomes unbalanced (Smit, 2010). However, this strategy is used by states to strengthen their international market significance. In an argument by Smit (2010) the g reater the significance in the international market the greater income through partnerships and revenues. The author further argues that, state governments use the national diamond to help the nation gain greater competitive advantage in the international market. This automatically raises the economic status of an organization. In support of the national diamond strategy, Porter claims that it improves specialization and the quality of goods produced in a country (Schott, 2004). He gave an example with Denmark and its influence in the global market in terms of export of insulin. The Danish government has significantly alleviated the production of insulin and treatment of diabetes in the country. It has provided resources, diplomatic and economic support for this project (Peng, 2009). The impact of this move is significant to the whole industry. Denmark is the leading exporter of insulin in the globe. Minus the support from the government this achievement would not have been possible (Peng, 2009). In Holland there is a premier research institute which focuses on cultivation, shipping and packaging of flowers. This project is almost a sole project of the Holland government that is supplied with resources and labor from the body. After this intervention Holland has become the leading exporter of flowers in the globe (Salvatore, 2002). This shows how great significance government support is on an organization. However, Porter

Sunday, September 22, 2019

P.E Footballers Programme Essay Example for Free

P.E Footballers Programme Essay The aim of the fitness programme is to improve aerobic fitness (cardiovascular) A footballer requires cardiovascular fitness to maintain a high level of fitness when competing for the full duration of a game-90 minutes, a footballer must maintain a constant and prolonged level of effort and work from start to finish. A high stamina level also helps with the game this is highly important to a footballer because if the cardiovascular performance is not at a high level the overall performance levels will decrease before the 90 minutes is up, to ensure this does not happen this programme designed for a footballer will hopefully increase the cardiovascular fitness levels and make a 90 minute match an easy work out. To show the comparisons between fitness levels before the programme compared to afterwards my 12-minute cooper run will be looked at and evaluations made to back up the other evidence for my fitness programme. If my cooper run results improve after the 2nd attempt, I will need to give reasons why as with if my results are below my expectations of improvement. In addition if between now and the dates of the fitness tests I receive an injury this will be taken into consideration, also alongside this at this moment in time my fitness level to begin with will not be at its peak due to the football season having just started, however as before this programme is designed especially to improve a footballers fitness within a specific period. I shall try to improve on my first score this will show that I am following a progressive overload during my training Throughout the programme there are a few key safety issues that need to be considered, these include ensuring the equipment used is safe and correctly spaced out, for example during the circuit training section all of the bases with an individual activity will need enough space to ensure the task can be completed safely with no hazards concerning the positioning of equipment. At the same time the correct clothing must be warn so that there is no risk of injury towards other people and yourself. With some of the activities like the continuous training and the fartlek training the weather must be monitored to make sure that when sprinting for example the surface is not wet and slippery and the point of take off when running needs to be chose carefully on the correct surface and not when running around a corner but perhaps on a straight. All of these must be looked at so that each method of training can be completed successfully. The final thing that could be looked at is if I have any injuries when attempting one of the three areas continuous, fartlek or circuit maybe I shouldnt push myself past the limit but still complete the exercises to prove my willingness and commitment. Each one of the areas within the programme will contribute towards an improvement in fitness levels, the continuous training will provide overload as your body is experiencing more running than before and will become used to that level of working out, the circuit training will help in all aspects of fitness as every part of the body is improving and your stamina levels are constantly rising because of this, the fartlek part gives a variety of sprints, jogs and walks which when referring to the S.P.O.R training principle gives specifity and also contributes to the gradual increase in fitness. Cardiovascular fitness is also known as cardiovascular stamina aerobic power or aerobic capacity, it is the ability of the heart and lungs to transport oxygen to the working muscles as quickly as possible when exercising. Therefore before I start I must determine my current level of cardiovascular fitness. For this training programme I will complete all 3 of the areas fartlek, continuous and circuit to ensure the principles of training are covered and I achieve maximum improvement through this. Cooper run The cooper run consists of a 12 minute run around a 100 meter square circuit the idea for improvement in fitness is to achieve as many laps as possible within the time allowed, if on the first attempt I achieved 25 laps to say I have been successful and Improved my cardiovascular fitness the 2nd attempt at the end of the programme should see a clear difference in the two amounts of laps. To ensure I complete it properly I will stretch before the run and cool down afterwards to ensure my muscles are warmed up and will not be damaged when I start the run. In this test I must run as far as I am able to within the 12 minutes allowed even if I need to slow down it is important to continue moving so my amount of laps will not be affected. It is a maximal test that measures aerobic capacity (i.e.-must cover as much ground as possible in the time allowed) my fitness level is established according to the distance run to the established norms for the test. To complete the test properly I will require the following equipment.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Practice Based Self Reflection

Practice Based Self Reflection During placement, I worked for a charitable, voluntary organisation that supports Asylum Seekers who were destitute. For the purpose of this essay, I will utilise a pseudonym for the client, which will be Sam, to ensure that her confidentiality is maintained. Sam has authorised consent and confirmed that I may use her experience as material for this essay. I have chosen to examine this intervention as it is based upon this service users presenting issues upon point of contact. Firstly, I will explain the background of Sams situation, to give you an idea of her story, and outline the agency involvement giving a brief description of the context and setting for their work, which will include relevant legislation and policies. Secondly, I shall discuss a substantial piece of work where I have met Sam on a number of occasions whilst working at the agency and demonstrate my theoretical understanding of critical reflection that took place during this intervention. Finally, I will discuss ho w my own values informed the work I undertook with Sam and will demonstrate critical reflection and the skills applied during this intervention and what I had learnt through this process. Furthermore, I will discuss how this had impacted on my own identity in practice and the effectiveness and the outcomes from this intervention. Sam is a 31-year-old woman who entered the United Kingdom (UK) on a work-visa in May 2009 from South Africa. She is of a South-African ethnicity and has faith in Christianity. She is an intelligent, resourceful woman who has more of an advantage in terms of communicating articulately in English over some of the other clients I have met; who do not acquire the basic English language. This made communication effective and according to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW, 2000) it has been stated that Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviours, attitudes and polices that come together in a system or agency or among professionals and enable the system, agency or processionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations (NASW, 2000). Sam entered the UK with leave to remain until May 2010 on her work-visa, with no recourse to public funds, which means that people who are under this bracket are not entitled to receive help from the Government. Furthermore, at point of contact Sam was pregnant and was in receipt of Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). SMP is a contributory benefit based upon National Insurance contributions that Sam had prior paid whilst engaged in full-time remunerative employment. As such, it is not classified as a public fund as Sam was therefore at liberty to claim and receive this benefit irrespective of not being a UK citizen. According to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP,2009) SMP is paid for a maximum period of 39 weeks, and unfortunately remaining Social Security benefits and associated support such as Housing and Council tax benefit were not available to her as they are classed as public funds. I was concerned from a safeguarding perspective as to Sams welfare, especially keeping mindful that she was pregnant and that the weekly rate of SMP,  £123.06, would be insufficient for her to meet priority needs such as rent, Council Tax and subsistence/living costs (DWP, 2009). The initial referral came from a caseworker who works for the agency and at the Childrens Centre. The agencies work in partnership. He approached me and raised concerns with safeguarding issues as mentioned above. However, a referral had to be made before the agency would accept Sam as destitute. It was essential that the referral was made as the agencies policies stated that they could only accommodate 4 people at one given time in the houses they owned across the City. The agency I worked for worked across two settings and worked in partnership in the City. It provides short-term respite accommodation for homeless and destitute women and men. Sams circumstances were unique as unlike other residents, she did have a source of financial income, whereas many women did not have a fixed income and had to rely on charitable donations. However, in recognition of the fact that Sam was imminent to give birth and was homeless, the agency agreed to admit her in the short-term in the first inst ance, thus offering her security, shelter, food, water and safety temporarily. In the longer term, she was afforded a short-term licence agreement that ran until the 2nd December 2009. The agency was of the view that Sam would have to explore other avenues of support and accommodation. I advocated this procedure to Sam in a house meeting and found that she had yet to find alternative accommodation. I understood she was pregnant and that she was not sure where to start looking or what resources were available. I went back to the office and explained this to the agency. I researched and made phone calls on how I could advocate further help for Sam and made the support worker and colleagues aware that she was concerned about her well-being and from this knowledge, a panel meeting was arranged and the licence agreement was later extended until the 12th January 2010 due to the birth of Sams daughter. According to Cohen (2004) he states, All persons have a right to well-being, to fulfilment and to as much control over their own lives as is consistent with the rights of others which means that as every human being has fundamental values that they should be treated with respect and as individuals regardless of their circumstances. At point of contact, Sam was destitute, as she had separated from her boyfriend, who resides in Ireland. Sam had been residing as hidden homeless which means that there is no accommodation that she is entitled to reside in or it is not reasonable for her to continue residing in that accommodation (, 2008). She was living in the City on a friends couch, but had been asked to leave due to objections with the friends landlord and overcrowding. It became apparent that Sam would require her own accommodation to return to following discharge from hospital once her baby had been born, and tenable longer-term accommodation thereafter. I met with S am and built up a good working with her following the referral to the agency. I felt this because Sam would contact me at the office if she had any queries about the house and would ask for me if she wanted help or advice. We negotiated convenient times to attend house meetings and I felt she trusted me as she opened up about her personal experiences such as her experience with her ex-partner. According to Howe (2008) relationship based practice is when relationship-gifted workers are interpersonally skilled and they make the most effective and human practitioners, whether the basis of their practice is behavioural, cognitive, task orientated, psychodynamic or person-centred. Moreover, Trevithick (2003) argues relationship-based practice is at the heart of social work. I felt working with Sam in a crisis intervention enabled me to engage with her as I aimed to reduce her stress by communicating effectively the next steps and open and honest with how long she would be able to reside at the accommodation the agency provided her with. I was genuine with her in terms of stating what the agency could provide her with and what resources were available. For example, Sam needed a pram, so we organised one for her and I reminded the support worker to drop this item off at the house as she had access to a vehicle. I also made her aware of the challenges she may face by living indepe ndently once the Social Services department provide her with an assessment and if accepted, I discussed the benefits that may be available to her, so she was aware of the process. This demonstrated significant levels of emotional intelligence, which means, having self-awareness, emotional resilience, motivation of self and to instil in others. It also recognises the skill to have empathy and sensitivity, to be conscientious and intuitive regarding decision-making and also to know how influences and building up rapport with service users are important (Goleman, 1996,p.2). As cited in the British Journal of Social Work, it also underpins requirements for practitioners to develop and maintain effective working relationships, to be able to reflect on my own background experiences and practice that may have an impact on the relationship (Morrison, 2007, p.2). For example, recognising to self-disclose about my own independency only when it was necessary as I did not want to project or share my own values unnecessary as Sams circumstances were unique to her and I understood that I could empathise with her however, only she would know how she feels in this situation. We discussed her feelings and she stated she was concerned about herself and her daughter, so I reassured her by getting in touch with the caseworker who had made the appointment with the social services for an assessment and to re-confirm when this would be conducted in order to see if she is eligible for the resources available. I explained the procedures to Sam, and she understood. She expres sed her gratitude to myself and the agency. As I met Sam on several occasions at the agency and on the day that she was accommodated into the house. I began to analyse her situation in greater detail because we needed to get her involved in the decision-making process. This means that service users are informed and involved in the decision that are made in partnership (OSullivan, 2005,p 135-136) and the effective way to do this, was to hold house meetings and discuss her accommodation situation in a comfortable setting. Saleebey, (2006,p.108) informed my practice in this intervention as he supports an empowering approach to social work practice as it focuses on clients strengths and potential rather than on the disadvantages and the misfortunes of their circumstances. He also recognises that the social worker is viewed as the expert and that service users are viewed as the victim of their own disadvantage. However, as his strengths perspective challenges the traditional anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice it ident ifies aspects of structural inequalities as the significant element of clients situations. Furthermore, Saleeby (2006, p.108) states the strengths perspective challenges clients to acknowledge that the social worker will represent them in the assessment and the intervention process as the social worker is viewed as the expert, however it also attempts to work in partnership with service users to support and gain services to meet their identified needs. The strengths perspective also focuses on the resilience of service users and aims to provide strategies to empower and promote positive outcomes for them. Furthermore, Beresford (2000, p.108) argues this perspective as viewing the service user in a one-dimensional aspect, which reduces their identity to essential categories such as elderly, disabled or black service users, thus resulting in the support of universal services to meet their needs. He also argues that service users and oppressed groups should be involved in the design and delivery of their services to meet their identified needs and that service users voices sh ould be used in structure of theory and practice. I felt that the strengths perspective engages with Sams circumstances as the agency and I were the expert in providing the assessments and advice for Sam and worked in partnership with her to find her a possible outcome because the caseworker had contacted the Social Services and had an assessment booked in for her. He informed me about this and I contacted Sam and made her aware of the appointment and the assessment procedures. Criticise the above and get evidence to state that another theorist states the su is the expert. Concerning critical reflection, it is an integral part of social work as it is a route to provide efficient performance and enhances social work expertise (Adams, et al,. 2002, p. 1). They also critique that it enables social workers to question the knowledge and involvement with clients. During this intervention with Sam there were many occasions that professionals and I had to critically analyse Sams circumstances in order to develop a plan of action that would meet her identified needs such as creating opportunities for her to take herself and her baby to groups so she could interact with other mothers at the Children Centre. Put in values/reflect on self/what I learnt from this process/impact on own identity Furthermore, I had arranged appointments for her to seek assistance with her receiving help and advice in relation to her visa options with a caseworker who worked for the partnership agency. The partner agency dealt with all persons from abroad and people who required legal advice regarding their visas. The outcome was that she should return South Africa and then re-apply on another work-visa and or commence work again in the UK and then apply for the visa to be extended. Sam did not want to take up any of these options, as she did not have the money to leave her new born in a child care facility. She also stated she did not want to return to South Africa because her parents were not aware that she had a baby and because she is of a strict religious background. She stated that her parents were likely to arrange her marriage to an old man that she had said no to on several occasions when she was living in South Africa. It seemed her parents had power and control over her life. Put in power and anti-oppressive practice theories hereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Values, non-judgemental, empathic I discussed and arranging convenient house meetings to discuss her options in taking the next step. Therefore, I asked her to contact Right Move estate agents and private property owners to see if she can find herself long-term accommodation for her and her daughter. Adams et al (2002, p.1) states critical reflection can sometimes be transformed in our own understanding, thus changing the part of the situation by enabling the client and the professional to reflect on what has occurred. For instance regarding Sam, she did not want to call and arrange appointments because she stated when she initially looked for a room in a house share, that the landlord of the property stated that the tenants already residing in the house did not want a mother with a baby living at the property. Therefore, this disempowered her in seeking other properties. At the house meeting, after Sam and I had further discussions we looked online for flats and we found several studio flats she could rent. She did not want to make the phone calls, so in order to empower and enable her in doing this herself for today and future reference. I made the first phone call and then handed her the telephone as she did not have credits on her phone and encouraged her to query about the properties in the same manner I had done. She queried the availability of these properties, however after finding that the landlord wanted a deposit, one as to Sam could not afford, the only solution was to seek refuge from the Neighbourhood Office and present herself homeless. She would then be put up in a shelter. I learnt that this process was going to be challenging and more reflection on this matter would be necessary. What is more, critical reflection can be deconstructed and reconstructed to give us access in advancing our practice. Therefore, this continuous process provides good practice and development. Yip (2005) encourages social work students to undergo self-reflection as it is a process for self-observation, self-evaluation, self-dialogue and self-analysis. Furthermore, he states, under the appropriate conditions social workers can reflect constructively which, results in enhancement. Whereas, he also critics on the basis that if social workers were under inappropriate conditions such as lack of supervisory sessions, hostile environments, then social workers would not be able to reflect constructively and this can create problems for the professional and personal development of the social worker. However, Schon, (1983) describes reflective practice as a non technical, non rational process which means that he is keen to make sense of the relationship between professional knowledge and practice by knowing-in-action. This is when thinking is understood in what we do, also he states reflective in action is where thinking is conscious but does not interrupt or actions and reflection on action is where thinking takes place after the event in order to understand our actions, predominantly in why we acted and what we learnt from this action. Eraut (1995) critiques Schons theory as he states that a practitioner cannot reflect in action as you leave the space, if not physically, certainly cognitively Furthermore, Fook and Gardener (2007,p364) argue that critical reflection is the reflective practice which focuses on the power dimensions of assumptive thinking and therefore how practice might change social situations. Although, Ixer (1999, p.513) argues this concept of critical reflecti on and argues whether social work programmes should be assessing reflection at all. Overall, reflecting on this intervention allowed me to assess and analyse Sams situation thoroughly because of her uniqueness to the agency as she had no recourse to public funds, which made it challenging in assisting her find her own solution. However, communicating effectively and working in partnership with her and the agency employees empowered Sam in coming up with a resolution for her to follow through. As social work, values have unique contributions to social work practice and assessing critically ensures that social work perspective and social work values contribute fully to the provisions of care. Furthermore, the ability of social work will depend on more than knowledge and skills; it is also about recognising practice that is mutually required in negotiating work with various organisations and professionals. Moreover, the ability to effectively communicate and contribute will also depend on the self-esteem and the status of the social worker. In addition to this, being able to effectively research and apply effective education will be found more reliably in the ability to improve the quality of the service users and carers experience of assessment and its outcomes. This is because professional competence in assessment requires critical analysis of self in practice and these development of skills and knowledge base are required to become an emotionally capable, objective practitioner.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield Essay -- GCSE English Literature Co

Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield David Copperfield was Charles Dickens’s eighth novel, and has been said to be Charles Dickens favorite novel. In the Charles Dickens edition of the novel Dickens states, â€Å"It will be easily believed that I am a fond parent to every child of my fancy, and that no one can ever love that family as dearly as I love them. But, like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is David Copperfield†(Valsmis 1). Many of the events of the novel, David Copperfield, have been compared to Charles Dickens own life; therefore many believe the novel to be somewhat autobiographical. John Forster one of Charles Dickens close friends and the author of Dickens biography wrote, â€Å"too much had been assumed†¦of the full identity of Dickens with his hero; but certainly a good deal of Dickens’s character and experience went into the book†(Unknown 2). Forster’s remark deals mainly with some of the publicâ€⠄¢s belief that the entire story of David Copperfield was autobiographical. Charles Dickens began work on David Copperfield after John Forster questioned him about his childhood. E. D. H. Johnson's, Charles Dickens: An Introduction to His Novels, discussed a conversation that John Forster overheard between Charles Dickens’s father and a man, in which; the man claimed that he remembered a young Dickens working in his factory (Johnson 1). Johnson stated, â€Å"Forster's curiosity over this chance discovery moved Dickens to write the fragment of an autobiography which he subsequently entrusted to his friend when he decided to incorporate the substance of his recollections almost verbatim in the Murdstone and Grinby episode of David Copperfield†(Johnson 1). D... ...vid Copperfield. Other Sites interesting Sources Hornback, Bert. David Copperfield in Noah's Architecture: A Study of Dickens' Mythology. Athens, OH: Ohio State P, 1972: 63-82. Needham. Gwendolyn B. The Undisciplined Heart of David Copperfield in Nineteenth-Century Fiction 9 (1954): 81-107. [Reprinted in David Copperfield,Norton Critical Edition, Ed. Jerome H. Buckley, New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1990: 794-806.] Nussbaum, Martha C. "Steerforth's Arm: Love and the Moral Point of View" from Love's Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature (New York: Oxford UP, 1990: 335-363).<o:p></o:p> Stewart, Garrett. "Dickens and Language," in Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens, Ed. John O. Jordan, New York: Cambridge UP, 2001: 136-151.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparing Tradition and Change in Amy Tans The Kitchen Gods Wife and

Tradition and Change in The Kitchen God's Wife and The Joy Luck Club  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the novels The Kitchen God's Wife and The Joy Luck Club, author Amy Tan conveys the message of tradition and change. Each novel contains sections about mothers talking and relating their stories to their daughters. The daughters in The Joy Luck Club hear stories about loss and happiness, and joy and hate. Each of the four mothers tell these stories to their daughters as lessons, or offerings for their futures. They tell the stories to show how lucky their daughters have been, yet how their lives will never be the same as their own lives have been. They try to help their daughters on some level with these stories. Yet they comprehend the fact that they could never understand their mothers. The main character, Pearl, in The Kitchen God's Wife talks about her life and her mother. Pearl, and her mother Winnie, the other half of the mother/daughter pair attend a funeral as Pearl narrates. They then go to Winnie's home, as Winnie dotes on Pearl and her two daughters . Pearl's heart breaks as she notices all the small intricacies of her mother, and all the little things that her mother does to illustrate her love. As Pearl and her family drive away from her mother's house, Winnie begins to narrate, to her daughter about her life, her hardships, and her loves. Through these two novels, the five mother/daughter pairs and the perception of mother to daughter, the theme of mother daughter relationships is distinctly portrayed. Pearl views her mother in many different ways. Often, through her mother's movements, or appearance, she will view her mother as fragile, yet strong and knowing, "...I imagine my mother's parchment like skin, furious... ...ire. "Amy Tan." The Bloomsbury Guide to Womens Literature. Pg1065 Great Britian: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1992. Cheng, Scarlet. "Amy Tan Redux." Belles Letters. Fall, 1991, pp 15, 19.(on GaleNet) Davidson, Cathy N. and Linda Wagner-Matlin. "Amy Tan." The Oxford Companion to Womens Writing in the United States. Pg 869. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Graham, Judith. "Amy Tan." Current Biography Yearbook. pg559 New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1992. See, Carolyn. "Drowning in America, Starving for China." in Los Angeles Times Book Review. March 12, 1989, pp1, 11.(on GaleNet) Shear, Walter. "Generational Differences and the Diaspora in The Joy Luck Club." in <>Critique. Volume 34, No3, Spring 1993 pp 193-99.(on GaleNet) Willard, Nancy. "Tiger Spirits." in The Women's Review of Books. Vol.6, Nos. 10-11, July 1989, pg12.(on GaleNet)   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Magic Of Queen Essay examples -- Music

Do you ever wonder what an arduous task it is to listen to the music and understand the complexity of it? Just as Walker Percy implies in his essay "The Loss of the Creature," people generally tend to divide into two categories when it comes to viewing the issues of life. We have the "common" individuals who notice the complexity of the matters, but who interpret it in superficial ways, and we have the "complex" individuals who tear through the outer layer and look to find the answers to their questions (Percy . It was not until I remembered an event which took place a few years ago, that I started to apply this simple-sounding division to a process of enjoying the splendor of music. I was sixteen at the time, tired of the difficulty of life, and the monotony of the gray colored everyday existence. Being trapped in the middle of the teenage years seems trivial, and somewhat insignificant now that I understand that the infamous "struggle" is in fact something which makes life worth living. Nevertheless, at the time of my sweet sixteen I was dissatisfied with the organized routine of my life, and seriously broken-hearted. I remember aimlessly wandering the streets one rainy evening. I never imagined that the weak sound coming from an open window of an apartment complex, and desperately trying to tear its way through the curtain of rain would, in fact, later become my ultimate discovery of the real meaning of music. I stood in the pouring rain mesmerized by something that touched my soul, after tearing through the layer of    "normality." It was a rock song. Rock, but different in some way – a mixture of ethereal mysticism, magic and strength. It was for the first time that I started looking for complexity in music, not only for... ...e, needed to go on in the hearts of those who loved his music. "My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies," Freddie sang. This is exactly the portrait he left in the minds of his fans. He transferred me into the world of magic and fairytales, and this is what almost everyone of us needs from time to time. A break from reality and real life. Things like that help us all retain sanity on the little stranded islands of loneliness, in the sea of people, worries, and everyday problems. Until I arrive on the sandy beach, with a precious disc tucked under my arm, wish me luck†¦ Work Cited Marcus, Greil, eds. Stranded: Rock and Roll for a Desert Island. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996. Dean, Ken. Queen. Krakow: Wydawnictwo "Rock-Serwis", 1992. Percy, Walker. "The Loss of the Creature." The Message in the Bottle. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1975: 46-63. The Magic Of Queen Essay examples -- Music Do you ever wonder what an arduous task it is to listen to the music and understand the complexity of it? Just as Walker Percy implies in his essay "The Loss of the Creature," people generally tend to divide into two categories when it comes to viewing the issues of life. We have the "common" individuals who notice the complexity of the matters, but who interpret it in superficial ways, and we have the "complex" individuals who tear through the outer layer and look to find the answers to their questions (Percy . It was not until I remembered an event which took place a few years ago, that I started to apply this simple-sounding division to a process of enjoying the splendor of music. I was sixteen at the time, tired of the difficulty of life, and the monotony of the gray colored everyday existence. Being trapped in the middle of the teenage years seems trivial, and somewhat insignificant now that I understand that the infamous "struggle" is in fact something which makes life worth living. Nevertheless, at the time of my sweet sixteen I was dissatisfied with the organized routine of my life, and seriously broken-hearted. I remember aimlessly wandering the streets one rainy evening. I never imagined that the weak sound coming from an open window of an apartment complex, and desperately trying to tear its way through the curtain of rain would, in fact, later become my ultimate discovery of the real meaning of music. I stood in the pouring rain mesmerized by something that touched my soul, after tearing through the layer of    "normality." It was a rock song. Rock, but different in some way – a mixture of ethereal mysticism, magic and strength. It was for the first time that I started looking for complexity in music, not only for... ...e, needed to go on in the hearts of those who loved his music. "My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies," Freddie sang. This is exactly the portrait he left in the minds of his fans. He transferred me into the world of magic and fairytales, and this is what almost everyone of us needs from time to time. A break from reality and real life. Things like that help us all retain sanity on the little stranded islands of loneliness, in the sea of people, worries, and everyday problems. Until I arrive on the sandy beach, with a precious disc tucked under my arm, wish me luck†¦ Work Cited Marcus, Greil, eds. Stranded: Rock and Roll for a Desert Island. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996. Dean, Ken. Queen. Krakow: Wydawnictwo "Rock-Serwis", 1992. Percy, Walker. "The Loss of the Creature." The Message in the Bottle. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1975: 46-63.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Politician qualities Essay

A Politician qualities are his characters that is natural, while some of the qualities are as a result of external influences. Promising politicians qualities are often backed by skills, experiences, intelligence, integrity, with instincts -all combined together to achieve their goals. First and foremost, the best quality of a politician is honesty, God fearing and loving. A faithful and effective politician is trustworthy and reliable. He must capture the essence of truth, display sincerity, candor and practices what he preaches. He makes decisions and accepts responsibility for his actions and his words. The same is true in his dealing with his people. He makes promises and keeps those promises. Somebody that people may be relied upon. Loving people with all his heart, might, mind, soul and striving to help them as a true mark of responsible politician. Moreover, a fake politician, will after taken the oath office with the Holy book and lousy thanksgiving services, use their power as an end in itself, rather than for public good, making them indifferent to the progress of their citizens. A good politician becomes the image of his creator. A good and responsible politician will give high regard for morality, law abiding with no tendencies to corrupt even a single cent or kobo. The greatest strength of good politicians is deriving joy in serving people and not to steal tax payer’s money. They know that a fulfilling and meaningful life is created through service to others. To be an effective politician, your followers must have trust in you. And the very best way for a politician to build trust is to display good sense of characters and qualities composed of values, beliefs, traits and skills. Another important quality of a good politician is integrity and technical skills to handle those challenging assignments, fiscal matters, policies, plans, projects, ideas and initiative solutions to problems. Integrity is consistency of actions, methods, measures, values, principles, expectations and outcomes. It is doing what is right, both legally and morally at all-time even when no one is looking. Since politicians play very significant roles in the administrative processes, especially having hands in thousands of important laws and policies to their communities and country, thereby they should be well-educated, modest, with experience in social welfare, volunteering or should have done some good work for the society. A politician should have a  thorough knowledge and up-to-date information about the constituency where he is going to contest an election. A good politician should be of a well discipline personality with selfless service to make live better for his people. This should be reflected in the community where he lives in all ramifications. Discipline is necessary for an orderly society and political life, without it, the social life would become miserable. A selfless service is putting the welfare of the people representing before your own. Winston Churchill described it as â€Å"the first of all human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others†. A good politician firmly believes in taking care and maintaining the community of his people. He believes that community service is about giving back. According to Theodore Roosevelt, â€Å"the most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice†. A person or politician who is with criminal background, or any links with criminals or whose allegation on corruption has not been cleared by the law court should be disqualified to participate in elections. Responsibility and party loyalty is another quality of responsible politician in a democratic state. A transparent politician is nearer to his people and meeting them to understand their problems. Only fake politicians are seen by voters when an election is near or change parties as footballers change clubs. As every parent has its responsibility to teach their children the principles of moral, culture, truth, sincerity to be self- responsible, so politicians need to integrate its citizens with importance of political responsibility and democratic values. A politician leads by example and knows his minimum responsibilities as an elected representative. A politician comes to politics to work for his constituents and not to work against them. He is the beck and call of the people and ready to listen to everybody. All these build a strong foundation for a dynamic society which will create solutions for any challenges, and finally develop strategies and political systems that will help implement those solutions automatically. He is quick to give hand to his fellow man. A reliable politician should be very loyal and committed to his party which shares his vision and goals. The value of loyalty simply depends on trust. A citizen should belong to a party with most brilliant, skillful, patriotic and dynamic people with common goals and aspirations. Team work best when they have common goals, mutual respect and understanding of each party  member’s strength. Politics is to unite and reach consensus and not to divide or create enimity among people. Power is only a product of collective action. Finally, to become a great politician or statesman, you have to use your talents, skills, experiences, honesty, integrity, challenges and constraints with the positive effect that we can have in touching other human lives. Politician must leave his constituency better than before elected. Greatness is within reach of a politician who consistently do things they out to be doing. He learns from mistakes and criticisms. It is a bad politician that will see that all the good is in his side and that all the bad lies with his opponent or just because someone does not agree with him, does not mean that all their ideas and solutions are bad. Good politicians show respect to the views and experience of others. Nobody has a monopoly of wisdom. He/she who aspires to be a great politician should have the ability to find and analyses problems in their constituency and find the best solutions for all these problems. There is no problem in this world without solutions. A good politician knows that simply giving consistent effort in the little task of services, social reforms, kindness or sacrifice in day-to-day life leads to true greatness of a nation. If all politicians make it a point of responsibility to develop and make life better for people in their units, wards, constituencies, states and regions-we will definitely have a great country.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A House on Fire Essay

Fire is a good servant, helping us with the cooking and providing warmth during those chilly winter nights, but it can also be a bad master when we underestimate its destructive power. It’s for this reason that fire needs to be handled with care. Playing with it can be dangerous, and at times can also prove fatal to those unfortunate enough to find themselves in its path. Our next-door neighbours were lucky in that nobody was injured, but the same thing cannot be said about their beloved house. Although it’s been ten years now, I can still remember the whole thing as if it were yesterday, and each time, the thought of that terrifying episode makes my blood run cold. It was a hot stuffy summer night when it all took place. Back then air-conditioners were not a common sight, so everyone had no choice but to resort to leaving the windows wide open at night to let the breeze in. Not that one could have used the air-conditioner that night anyway – there was a power cut, which in turn also explains the cause of the fire. From accounts following the incident, it seems that it all started because of an oil lamp that had been left on a cupboard in the sitting room downstairs. A strong gust of wind must have come in through the window, knocking the oil lamp over onto the curtain, which burst into flames in no time. The fresh breeze from the open windows kept feeding the hungry flames, which continued eating away at the walls and furniture. The fire spread quickly and soon the sofa, carpets and furniture were ablaze. It was the acrid smell of burning that woke up the occupants of the house from their dreams, to an even worse nightmare. They jumped out of their beds, ran downstairs, and made a dash for the door, but they were stopped in their tracks when part of the ceiling came crushing down in front of them, blocking their only way of escape. It was then that their heart missed a beat, realising for the first time that they were trapped. They remained frozen still, shocked at the sight of that burning inferno. The pungent smoke filled their nostrils and lungs, making them choke and cough. The heat was like a solid wall. Going forward was pointless! Fear rose in their throat at the thought of dying, and they wanted to cry, but they fought down their panic and tried to think clearly of a good plan instead. Spurred by their terror and the will to survive, they ran back upstairs, swift as a  cat, and sprang into the bathroom. While trying to regain lost breath, their father immediately soaked them from head to toe with water. He also got towels, put them under the running water, and placed some of them on their heads. The remaining wet towels were placed under the door to stop the smoke coming in. Then their father opened the window and they all started to scream and yell at the top of their voices. It was that blood curdling sound of screaming which startled me from my sleep. I was not prepared for what I was about to see however. Peering out of my bedroom window I came face to face with our neighbour’s house, completely engulfed by the fire. I rushed to my parents’ room to tell dad, who immediately went to call the fire brigade and the hospital to send a rescue team. In a matter of minutes we heard the shrill noise of the sirens and soon after the fire-engine could be seen speeding down the street, followed by an ambulance and a police car, and coming to a sudden halt just in front of the house. The firemen immediately jumped down from their truck, unrolled the water hosepipes and placed a long ladder against the wall. A brave fireman climbed the ladder to reach the trapped family, while the rest of the team, with hosepipes in hand, fought hard to control the terrible flames. In those frightful moments that followed, it was as if time stood still. The firemen kept directing powerful streams of water into the burning building, but the flames showed no sign of wanting to die. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the trapped neighbours were brought down to safety, to the joy and clapping of all the people who had come on the scene. They had been saved in the nick of time! The paramedics, who until then were on stand-by, lowered each one of them onto the waiting stretchers, and rushed them to hospital. Although they weren’t injured, they were suffering from a terrible shock and had inhaled lots of toxic fumes. The firemen stayed behind until the flames had been completely extinguished. What remained of the house were the blackened walls; the inside was collapsing. That night I couldn’t catch any sleep because of all the commotion. I felt agitated, and the crackling sound of the spent flames and the crashing stones kept me awake all through the night.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Goffman: Impression Management

February 8, 2013 Impression Management The notion that we see ourselves as an object, as others see us, forms the basis for one of Goffman’s central concepts; impression management. Impression management refers to the verbal and nonverbal practices we employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of our self to others. Some of the principal ways in which impressions are created and maintained are by the person’s demeanor, the deference, the front, the backstage, the character, and the performer. The demeanor deals with how a person conducts and dresses himself individually.For example, the greetings and salutations we offer others, the disclosure of personal information, the closing or granting of physical space we give others, and countless other acts, if done right can mark an individual as well-demeaned person and thus deserving of the deference only others can give to him. Deference refers to having honor, dignity, and respect towards others. The reciprocal na ture of deference and demeanor is such that maintaining a well-demeaned image allows those present to do likewise as the deference they receive obligates them to confer proper deference in kind.The front is what an individual shows toward others while the backstage is the region of the performance normally unobserved by, and restricted from members of the audience. Meaning that people have there own secrets about themselves that no one knows about. As a character, the self is in reality an image, a managed impression that is fabricated in agreement with others during an encounter. However, when we turn to the self as a performer, we as an individual look to impress or get approval by others by what we do/achieve at something.For example, you’re getting your house ready for when you have guests coming over because you want to make an good impression. The individual as performer is the thinking, fantasizing, dreaming, desiring human being whose capacity to experience pride and shame motivates him or her not only to perform for others but also to take precautions against embarrassment. The process of impression management and social interaction both include a rational and a non-rational dimension in different ways.Merchants of morality is in both of them, it means individuals’ attempts to â€Å"engineer† interaction â€Å"profits† through properly enacted performances, and to live up to the standards of morality by which their performances will be judged. We present ourselves as well-demeaned persons in part because it is in our best interest to do so but, by doing that, we announce our adherence to the moral standards that ritually organize social encounters. In other words, the self is the mask the individual wears in social situations, but it is also the human being behind the mask who decides which mask to wear.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sexism in Football

Gender Discrimination (The Sian Massey Story) On the 22nd of January 2011 female linesman Sian Massey was going to officiate as a linesman in a premier league clash between Liverpool and Wolves. Sky Sports were broadcasting the match on live television,Presenters Andy Gray and Richard Keys were preparing to cover the pre game coverage, when the two named above began to talk about the female linesman Sian Massey and what they thought about her in a very discriminating fashionThe commentators, who apparently believed their microphones were switched off, were recorded. Commenting on Ms Massey, Mr Keys said: ‘Somebody better get down there and explain offside to her. ’ Mr Gray, a former Scottish international footballer, replied: ‘Can you believe that? A female linesman. Women don’t know the offside rule. ’ Mr Keys replied: ‘Course they don’t. I can guarantee you there will be a big one today. Kenny (Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish) will go potty. This isn’t the first time, is it?Didn’t we have one before? ’ Later in the exchange, Mr Keys said: ‘The game’s gone mad. Did you hear charming Karren Brady this morning complaining about sexism? Do me a favour, love. ’ During the game, which Liverpool won 3-0, Ms Massey angered Wolves by refusing to rule Raul Meireles offside before he set up Liverpool’s first goal. The replay showed that she made the correct decision. When The Mail on Sunday put the transcript to Mr Keys, he said: ‘I have no recollection of that.I have no idea what you are talking about. ‘My recollection is that I wished the young lady all the best. ’ When told a recording existed of the conversation, he said: ‘If you have a tape then you don’t need me to talk to you. It almost makes it worse that they're speaking when the microphones are not on as opposed to when they are on, because [they have] never really had the brass neck t o say it publicly, they would only say it privately. I have heard it and I don't believe it is just banter. Former referee Graham Poll added: â€Å"It must be very difficult for female match officials to progress in men’s football and any who do, do so on merit and should be held up as role models, not subjected to outdated, sexist attitudes †¦ (Sian Massey) is already on the FIFA assistant referees’ list in women’s football and at just 25 that is a magnificent achievement. † Michaela Tabb, a snooker referee who has officiated the World Championship final, said: : â€Å"What they have done there is completely unacceptable because they have not given her her place at all as an official.They are basically doubting her ability. She has obviously passed every exam and whatever qualifications she's had to go through. † England captain Rio Ferdinand said on Twitter: â€Å"I'm all for women refereeing in football, discrimination should not happen in our game at all †¦ prehistoric views if u think otherwise. † Hugh Robertson, the sports minister, commented: â€Å"It is very disappointing to hear these comments at a time when we are trying to get more women participating and officiating in sport, particularly football. The FA released a statement saying: â€Å"The FA has made real strides in encouraging both male and female match officials to enter the game at every level, and will continue to offer every encouragement to all officials within the football family to progress to the highest levels possible. We are proud to have some of the world's best match officials, both male and female Overall the number of female referees in England (Levels 1-8) stands at 853 and climbing, and all of our female match officials act as fantastic ambassadors for the game. They have our wholehearted and continuing support. â€Å"